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19 May

Beginner’s Guide to Residential Mortgages in Edmonton


Posted by: Karen Lagore

If you are looking to purchase a home in Edmonton, you may be in need of a residential mortgage. A residential mortgage is a loan that is used to purchase a residential property, such as a house or condominium. If you are looking to secure a residential mortgage in Edmonton, there are a few steps you can take to increase your chances of approval.

  1. Check Your Credit Score Before you apply for a residential mortgage in Edmonton, it is important to check your credit score. Your credit score is a number that reflects your creditworthiness and helps lenders determine whether or not to approve your loan application. A good credit score can improve your chances of getting approved for a residential mortgage with favorable terms and interest rates.
  2. Provide Proof of Income and Employment Lenders want to ensure that you have a stable source of income to repay your loan. To get approved for a residential mortgage in Edmonton, you will need to provide proof of your income and employment. This can include pay stubs, tax returns, and employment verification letters.
  3. Save for a Down Payment A down payment is a portion of the purchase price that you pay upfront when you buy a home. Most lenders require a down payment of at least 5% of the purchase price. Saving for a larger down payment can improve your chances of getting approved for a residential mortgage in Edmonton, as it shows that you are committed to the purchase and have some financial stability.
  4. Reduce Your Debt-to-Income Ratio Your debt-to-income ratio is the amount of debt you have compared to your income. Lenders use this ratio to determine your ability to repay your loan. To increase your chances of getting approved for a residential mortgage in Edmonton, it is important to reduce your debt-to-income ratio. This can be done by paying off outstanding debts, such as credit card balances, and avoiding new debts.
  5. Work with a Mortgage Broker Working with a mortgage broker can help you find the best residential mortgage in Edmonton for your needs. Mortgage brokers have access to multiple lenders and can help you compare rates and terms. They can also help you with the application process and ensure that you meet all the necessary requirements.

In conclusion, getting approved for a residential mortgage in Edmonton requires some preparation and effort. Checking your credit score, providing proof of income and employment, saving for a down payment, reducing your debt-to-income ratio, and working with a mortgage broker can all increase your chances of approval. By following these steps, you can find the best residential mortgage in Edmonton for your needs and achieve your dream of homeownership.